Switching the volume isn’t working. I’m wondering if it’s a problem with the DragonFly Black and/or Apple because I’m having the same problem using the Tidal app. When using my iPad I’m getting the correct purple light from both Roon and the Tidal app. AudioQuest and Tidal are seemingly in disbelief of my problem. I might reach out to Apple but I’m afraid they’ll send me back to AudioQuest and Tidal.
I think it’s either some setting on your iPhone or a defective Dragonfly.
You’re probably right, Jim. At this point I just may embrace FLAC for iPhone listening.
I checked with our hardware team and they are unable to reproduce any MQA issues on the Cobalt we have in the lab.
If the TIDAL app is exhibiting the same issue, I too suspect it is the Dragonfly itself.
I would reach out to Audioquest.
Thank you for checking.
@CR_NYC as the Dragonfly seems to works with your iPad, I would test with another iPhone if that possibility exists.
Also, I’m sure you’ve already done this, but make sure the phone’s upgraded to latest iOS. If it is, maybe try to reboot the phone.
Is there any EQ setting in your iphone?If yes you have to disable it
I’ve since divorced Tidal and MQA. Qobuz only for me now.
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