I run Roon core w/ i7 NUC core with 32G ram and 1TB of SSD disk space and have a fast and robust network at home. My library has about 160K tracks and 13K albums. All Qobuz albums, I don’t have any local content.
Roon remotes operate pretty smoothly in normal situations but slow down to a halt after adding multiple albums in a row (I do that every week after new releases come out). Roon seems to do quite a bit of work after adding a Qobuz alubm to the library (why does it need to do that anyways?), but it also seems like slowness persists even after its operation is done, and I usually need to reboot the core to get back to normal speed. Fortunately playback is usually not impacted, but still waiting 5seconds to go from one album page to another is annoying.