Supporting RoPieee

There are several ways to directly support the development of RoPiee (aka Harry @spockfish):

  1. To help cover the direct costs of RoPieee (for the hosting infrastructure, or other costs), please use the PayPal donation button listed on the RoPieee website at

  2. For more personal expressions of gratitude, Harry also has an Amazon wishlist at Harry’s wishlist that can be used. If you need help with the language, use Google Chrome to translate for you. Make sure you pick Harry’s address for delivery. (Some products may not ship to the Netherlands from Germany, so occasionally similar products will be listed for this reason.)

  3. Hardware vendors who desire RoPieee support should consider providing sample products. DM @spockfish.

Thanks to Harry for RoPieee. :grinning:


Hi @nathan,

Just received my first ‘present’ on this rainy saturday.

As with Paypal donations I really appreciate this!

Warm regards, Harry

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Awesome news Harry! has not updated their delivery status, so good to know the parcel arrived safely.

Many thanks. Rainy here in Vancouver too.


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When doesn’t it rain in Vancouver!