Swedish band Kent associated with some french guy

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Artist Kent has got associated with this guy Kent Cokenstock…

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Nope, it wasn’t like this peeviously, but i don’t know when it happened.

Is the album identified in Roon?

Hmm, some are… Still this french dude gets the primay artist moniker on even the identified albums.

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


Screenshot of import settings

All default, no adjustments…

Description of the issue

My Kent albums seemed a bit to few and i started by finding artists named Kent in my library, expecting to find the band from Eskilstuna, but this french dude surfaced also?!
And in “his discography” i i found my missing swedish Kent albums.

Wrong guy above!

This is the band the albums should be asosciated with!

The french guy gets primary artist creds even on identified albums, where he had no influence.

This is likely an effect of the dubious box set handling as several of these albums are part of a box set initially. But i want them separate in Roon (since Roon cant handle individual record covers in box sets as an example) so i have identified them manually for some albums.

Thanks for reporting. I’ve asked TiVo to review their credits for both Kents.

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This appears to have been sorted out now.

Does it need to “sync out” to my end?
If not, it still is bad.
This is the album “Jag är inte rädd för mörkret”.

For albums in your library, it will take up to a week.

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