Synology NAS is properly installed, but how do I access it?

I have roon core running on a Mac Mini. It’s linked to a music folder on a Synology 218.

My difficulty is with the roon app, in this case on a Mac.

  1. Is it possible to browse the Synology files via roon? If so, how?

  2. When I want to search for an album or track on the NAS, sometimes I have to invoke “Focus”, where I select the source (NAS. But that feature is rarely evident. Sometimes it’s on the Artist page. How do I access Focus more consistently?

  3. Sometimes when I do get into Focus, the storage location does not appear as an option. Why?

Thanks in advance!

In Roon’s documentation one can find:

Do you have an example of what you mean?

It sounds like you’re expecting Roon to browse the NAS at folder level. This isn’t how Roon works. Roon amalgamates locally stored music with streaming services and provides extensive metadata, composer, artist, contributing artist information, biography, album art etc.

If you want to play a specific album from your NAS, search the album in Roon and then choose the NAS stored version under the “VERSIONS” heading:

If you’re looking for a specific track on your NAS, then follow the link @BlackJack posted above for this method.