T+A DAC 8 - Roon Tested?


I was wondering if there are any plans to get the T+A DAC 8 (not DSD) Roon Tested? For me as a customer that would be appricated a lot.

If that isn’t in the plan, it would be interesting to know the reason behind it. Is it a technical limitation or due to some other reason?

The DAC 8 DSD is Roon tested. I’m presuming the vanilla DAC 8 isn’t because it was obsolete at the time?

@jobseeker is perfectly right. The production of DAC8 ended before roon hit the stage.

But if your roon core runs on a Windows PC the DAC8 should work perfectly well if the T+A USB driver is installed on that PC and if the DAC8 is connected to the roon core PC via USB cable.