Hi everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to test this out, and in particular to those of you for whom this requires some hardware rearrangement or network reconfiguring.
The team is eagerly consolidating test results as reports come in here. In particular, we’re curious to hear how RoonOS users are faring (please be sure to update to the latest #earlyaccess RoonOS build here, if you haven’t already).
For those of you who have yet to post: the granularity of your report is up to you, but please include 1) your Core operating system and 2) a basic list or overview of your network hardware and setup. For example:
MacOS Core → Google Mesh → Verizon FIOS router
If the Roon Settings port test fails, please include any diagnostics or a description of the error message. We’re here to assist with any questions and the team is very grateful for the time and expertise you’ve lent here.