The Beatles on TIDAL

We are having an issue getting our Tidal database updated.

Unfortunately this is delaying the availability of new TIDAL releases in Roon, including albums from The Beatles streaming for the first time.

We’re working to get this resolved, and we’ll update this thread as soon as we have some news. Stay tuned!


I was about to ask a question about the Beatles albums not being available via roon but showing up in the tidal app. Thanks for clearing it up and merry Christmas :smile: :evergreen_tree:

Search on new TIDAL albums for the Beatles cannot be found on ROON.
No new issue since it happend for other albums in the past as well. However don’t understand whether this is still a open bug or not.

Appreciate the headsup @mike.

Makes me wonder whether it would be complicated to extend Roon’s search to go into ’ non synched Tidal’ and then showing the result with a ‘hang in there, it will be in Roon soon’ type message?

Sorry for delay folks – The Beatles are now streaming in Roon!

Thanks for your patience everyone!