The genre “Tango Argentino” is to be found at “International“ 🙄


I want to say, I am little astonished that in Roon App the genre “Tango Argentino” is to be found at “International“ !

Even its International, this it not the right Tagging, will say, it is a little wrong!

Electronic is also International genre, classical is also International genre, Jazz is also International genre!

But you are tagging it also a single genre.

And - Tango Argentino is not starting or ending with Piazzolla!
Tango Argentinohas been put to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.

It since about 1880 - since today a living music genere out of a flowing feeling of soul and life,

And - Tango Argentino is not starting or ending with Piazzolla!, there are al LOT of more -

Viele Grüße Achim

Are you aware that you can change the parent genre of a genre? You can move it into whatever other one you prefer

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Hi @Achim_von_Flatow,

Genre taxonomy here will be reflective of the multi-source metadata aggregation that populates Roon, so it’s more reflective of distributor networks’ median genre taxonomy than a company stance on musicology.

If you’d like to customize the handling for Tango Argentino or any other genre, Roon’s genre treatment is fully flexible as @Suedkiez mentioned. On the Genre page, click the three dots to open the Genre Editor dialog window, and select your own Parent Genre

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