The Modern Lovers album grouped with Modern Lovers (Live)

Content you’re reporting an issue with

The Modern Lovers - The Modern Lovers
The Modern Lovers - Modern Lovers (Live)

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Local, TIDAL and Qobuz

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

As you will see from the screen capture under Content above. Roon is identifying The Modern Lovers and Modern Lovers (Live) as different versions of the same album. This isn’t happening on Qobuz’s web player. I don’t know about TIDAL

Hey @Nick_Campbell,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! As always, we appreciate the heads up here. We’ll take a look at how this information is reflected on our metadata providers’ side and see what we can do. Please understand that we can’t make any promises regarding a timeline for corrections when coordinating with our metadata providers.

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