The Storm US band vs The Storm Danish band biography

US band has the biography of a Danish band by the same name:

Equivalence edit made. Up to a week to filter through to your library.

Tx, appreciated.

Maybe this is an OK spot to report this:

I have a CD-ripped version of the Norwegian band Storm and their only album Nordavind. The band description, however, is for a band of the same name from LA.

Is that fixable?

I’m still in my test period so please bear with me if I’ve posted completely newbie style


Hi @Mads_Malmbak_Kjeldse Thanks for the report; bit of a mess this one with errors from both Rovi and TIDAL. I’ve asked Rovi to make a change (they appear to have no artist ID for the Norwegian Storm) and have made an edit to our metadata.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.