Thinking of Roon Lifetime ? Read this

Robert - you’re absolutely right. Saying “I wanted to make a movie but the bean counters wouldn’t let me” means “I wanted to spend other people’s money to make a movie but they wouldn’t let me”.

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Jack up the price during a major recession while ignoring requests for basic features like lock screen controls. This is a great way to push your users away. Try threatening us with price increases and see how many of us stick around. Your greed will be your undoing.


You seem unhappy.


I watched a couple of the videos on the site

TBH they look pretty primitive, nothing that I cannot replicate with JRiver Panes View

It seems to have MusicBrainz lookup but so does SongKong. The big problem again is GIGO , SongKong is great when the underlying data is good

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Thats the balance right there, if you are not happy with the service you will not continue to subscribe and will tell the world why it’s so bad and the company are ‘Greedy’.

I don’t think you will find Roon being Greedy but there are plenty of greedy companies who I expect you will be happy to buy from. So, one man’s greed is another man’s prudence. Hmmmm

My advice is to focus on what Roon does well and put feature requests in for what doesn’t satisfy, but in the great scheme of things it’s only a hobby.


Eh, nobody is threatening here…I read the original comment & it seemed to me to be more of an off the cuff comment in relation to bundling of a subscription with some software. And that was to clarify it being a yearly subscription and not a lifetime subscription.

The conversation here has been nothing more than conjecture, yet still an interesting discussion at that. Of course, as Roon devs do not comment as a matter of policy, much of what is discussed on this forum is mere conjecture in relation to future Roon development and so on.

Furthermore, it would hardly make sense to make announcements here for all Roon users when only a small fraction of the total user base frequent this forum, without actually notifying the bulk of the user group. I would expect that if anything major were to occur an email notification would be where users would find out about such things.

For example:
The upcoming sale of Roon to a well known global corporation we all received mid last week. :thinking:

But there is no price increase so not sure what you referring to.

Where was this posted…”we all” certainly didn’t include me!

Pretty sure that was a joke. :laughing:

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Fingers X it was…its been a bad enough year already.

Roon has not mentioned a potential price increase for annual subscriptions, only lifetime subscriptions. I don’t think it is a secret they want to encourage annual versus lifetime. I doubt Roon would lose customers if they increase the price of lifetime. If anyone wants lifetime, I suggest you get it now.

Very good arguments regarding Roon, indeed! But you completely misinterpret world economy: after Covid it will be on an even stronger path of upturn.

I think for Roon it should be easy to create additional value for purchasers of a more expensive lifetime license. Plus there is something like a vertical market…

And, if the purpose of a price increase for lifetime is to discourage lifetime, there is no bad time to do it. If so, just eliminate it.

Why not charge $9.99 monthly?

You should try living in Amerika, right now. :sob:


For pretty much the same reason that they offer(ed) lifetime subscriptions. This way, they get your whole $120 up front, without the risk that you’ll get bored and cancel your subscription after a month or two.

The tradeoff (as with lifetime subscriptions), is that some potential subscribers will balk at paying up-front, and not subscribe at all. Evidently, Roon LLC has decided the tradeoff is worth it.

People have also opined that it has something to do with the per person licensing costs of the metadata.

So, maybe not completely cynical.

I seem to be having difficulty making a Roon lifetime purchase, and in my previous post above I asked if anyone else has had trouble making a Lifetime purchase in the last few days. As no one indicated having had trouble, I should probably ask the converse: Has anyone successfully made a lifetime purchase in the last one week? Any information appreciated!

You should realize that you can’t Restore from one completely different account to another.

Also, I doubt that you can mix a lifetime and yearly subscription on the same account.

Tagging @accounts for this.

It’s the weekend, so it might take awhile for them to answer.

@xxx – not sure if you were replying to me(?) If your reply was to someone else, please ignore this post, sorry!

If you were replying to me: My existing subscription is also a lifetime, and I’m not trying to restore anything, just trying to purchase a second lifetime subscription [EDIT: from the same account, which seems to be given as an option]. (More info about all of this in my original post). And I contacted Roon asking to make the purchase on Wednesday and followed up on Thursday, but no response.