Are you guys disassembling a NUC or are you purchasing just the board? I have a NUC7i5, tall version and it works great but it is NOT attractive at all.
I got mine from QuietPC UK pre-built
I can only speak for myself, but I disassembled a 7th generation Intel NUC to put the board into an Akasa case.
When I built mine there was an i5, board only with long term support. It wasn’t any cheaper than the equivalent NUC but it was easier.
I believe that most people here have disassembled their NUCs.
I did my NUC 6i5 in an Akasa Plato. The process was relatively easy. It was worthy!
For your NUC 7i5 you may want to consider this one:
Bought my intel 7th gen second hand and for the difference in cost of new bought the akasa fanless case and installed it myself. Fairly easy to do and there are videos on the tube on how to disassemble the NUCs. Highly recommended.
I purchased the full NUC Kit, then removed the board and installed it in an Akasa Fanless Case (Newton AC) with a ROCK OS installation. It was a NUC6CAYH, therefore not powerful enough to use as the core; I’m using it as an endpoint for mainly HDMI Multichannel or possibly eventually for USB multichannel. My ROCK core/server is in its original Intel NUC case (NUC7i7DNHE). I enjoy modifying things, so if I ever change the ROCK core server’s case, it will probably be to this fanless one:
Courtesy The Goatee Finally, a decent passive NUC case (from HDPLEX)
Last time I checked, the NUC stand alone boards were fairly expensive (meant mainly for industrial/commercial applications), and their selection was limited. It was cheaper, in my case, to get the whole NUC Kit and use only its board.