[Ticket In, fixed #1476] B1474 Extensions cause Roon to crash

Roon’s latest EA build crashes when you try to access any extension

Hello, @Daniele_Piancastelli
Thanks for posting!
Unfortunately, the GIF is so tiny so I can`t see what happened with your Roon.
Also, could you please explain in detail and make a new bigger GIF or a video screen record?


@andrew.v I’ve crafted a superior video. It should be pretty clear. Any interaction with the ‘settings’ buttons causes Roon to crash. I’ve never encountered any issues here before.


I also tried with Roon Remote on android because I realized that it was still on the previous EA build. The extensions section worked correctly.

But then I updated the app from the Google play store to build 1474 and here it crashes like the Windows version (in this case on android a black screen then appears)

Here is the Video

crashes on my ios devices

Hi, @Daniele_Piancastelli, thank you for your report. We were able to reproduce and created a ticket for our dev team.



With the new Roon release (B1475) it doesn’t crash, but the extensions now look empty, with no options

Ok, build 1478 It seems to work properly :+1:t2:

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