You’re confusing the original sample rate of the source material (44.1) with the sample rate coming out of the core decoder in the TIDAL app (88.2). There should be no expectation that these two numbers match.
The TIDAL app decodes all MQA to 2x (either 88.2 or 96) in software. That is why you are getting 88.2kHz.
Remember-the DirectStream doesn’t decode MQA from its USB input either, so the only MQA handling is what the TIDAL app is doing. When the DirectStream receives that stream from the TIDAL app, it is just seeing 88.2 PCM and has no idea about MQA.
Roon’s sniffer is telling you the sample rate of the master–that is, that file that went into the MQA encoder during the authoring process. This same number is often displayed on the front panel of an MQA DAC during playback when the stream is being un-folded in the DAC (i.e. not this situation), but it just communicates information about the master, not about the playback chain.
Yes, MQA (authoring / display) sample rate 44.1kHz or 48kHz becomes 88.2kHz or 96kHz after going through MQA Core decoding from Tidal desktop app. This is a feature, and came as a surprise to some:
OK, when I see a Tidal file (CD or MQA) displayed through Bluesound or the MConnect app it gives me a place to start. I have a high end system (vinyl, NAS, & streaming services as sources) and stream through a PS Audio Directstream & Dreamplayer. I can see EXACTLY, when I select an MQA file, what resolution it’s being played at! There are differences based on when and how the recording were remastered into MQA files.
All this community is saying is give us an interface (with Tidal) like we see with Bluesound or MConnect… it gives us a place to start. We can (if you have a good DAC and system) see what quality we’re hearing/streaming.
If that’s not in your plans, I’ll give up my lifetime membership with Roon, and wait for you to understand the issue.