I am a subscriber to Tidal and to Qobuz; for many (but not all) albums Roon doesn’t recognize the Tidal and Qobuz versions as the same album (see attached screenshot). I do have the “show hidden tracks and albums” toggle set to off in the Roon preferences. So is this just a fact of life? Or is there anything else I can do? I’m not interested in going through one by one and manually merging them.
Show hidden tracks and albums:
Don’t show hidden tracks and albums:
I prefer the former so I can easily choose which one to play.
Yeah I have that toggled already
I have Tidal and Qobuz and it barely ever happens to me. I see that in your cases the titles differ, so maybe just bad luck, but it seems surprisingly frequent
Does it maybe help if you change Roon settings to default to Roon album titles (instead of file titles, which in case of streaming means Tidal/Qobuz)?
Based on your screenshot, it seems that all duplicates have different titles given through Tidal and Qobuz. I don’t have a real solution for this. What happens when you re-identify a duplicate and try to pick a version with a name that coincides with the other?
They have different metadata so it’s an equivalence match, some will be a different release of the same album. Not much Roon can do to compensate for their bad or different metadata as it’s not like MusicBrianz where they can ask for it to be amended if wrong.
Yeah that’s what I figured, large enough differences in metadata that Roon doesn’t recognize them as the same album. Maybe AI will help with this going forward.
I could go through and manually merge them all but I don’t want to spend my time doing that.
Tidal albums and Qobuz albums are ALWAYS different albums. If show hidden albums isn’t working properly, I would try toggling it on and off a time or two and rebooting your Roon server and Roon app.
In case you go there, don’t click the “merge” button but the “group” one
The vast majority of mine are auto-grouped into versions (with the appropriate setting)
Yes, but it’s not working for the OP.
Sure, I know, I just thought that “Tidal albums and Qobuz albums are ALWAYS different albums” could be misunderstood as if that was normal
It is normal. Tidal albums are Tidal, Qobuz albums are Qobuz. That makes them different albums in your Roon library. This is normal if you have show hidden albums turned on.
Sure, but with Show hidden albums off they are normally mostly grouped into one album under the version tab - what is not working for the OP.
We both mean the same thing
See his screen shot in first post. It’s his library not working. We don’t know about the other.
I am aware
Thank you, a reboot of the ROCK and of the Roon client (and a long wait for them to come back alive) seems to have fixed that (where ‘that’ is tidal & Qobuz versions being separated now are seen as one album).
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