Tidal & Qobuz Roon services inaccessible after Roon Server update to 1.7

Hi @Enrico_Barra,

On the Catalina Core, can you try going to Settings > Account > Logout? Once you’re completely logged out can you try then logging back in on the prior Core and let us know if that yields any changes?

I tried this but the Unauthorise/refresh procedure after login on primary core fails
the Core logs this action with these messages:

11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] POST https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/machineallocate
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] BODY token=a7383ef9-5861-404d-bfa9-39710bea6436&machine=0eb32a76-081e-87dd-6206-47e38e9fe3c0&name=rancher&type=Server&bump=6d576bab-fc90-2e78-54fa-547015c6cedd
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: Successful POST response from https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/machineallocate
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GOT {"status":"BumpMachineNotFound"}
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [broker/accounts] Updating Machine Allocation machineid=0eb32a76-081e-87dd-6206-47e38e9fe3c0 hwserial= machinename=rancher machinetype=Server
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] POST https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/machineallocate
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] BODY token=a7383ef9-5861-404d-bfa9-39710bea6436&machine=0eb32a76-081e-87dd-6206-47e38e9fe3c0&name=rancher&type=Server
11/28 10:16:20 Trace: Successful POST response from https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/machineallocate
11/28 10:16:20 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GOT {"status":"Success","licenseid":"d15b6f89-a93e-42b3-b273-a0acdb2f7528"}
11/28 10:16:20 Warn: [broker/accounts] failed to auth: Result[Status=Unauthorized]

BumpMachineNotFound !
Unauthorized !

Hi @Enrico_Barra,

Can you share a new set of logs after doing that so the team can take a look? Thanks!

Hi @Dylan, get latest Server Logs here


Thanks, @Enrico_Barra — I’ll get that over to the team and will follow up ASAP once I’ve received their feedback.

Hi @Enrico_Barra,

I just wanted to reach out and let you know the team is still investigating this. I’ll be sure to reach out ASAP once I’ve received further feedback from their investigation.

Hi @Enrico_Barra,

Can you try using a fresh database and let us know if there is any change?

  • Make a Backup of your current Roon Database
  • Stop RoonServer
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “RoonServer_old”
  • Restart/Reinstall the RoonServer App to generate a new RoonServer folder

Hi @dylan , the server on linux machine is already a fresh install
Roon Core 1.7 live now on the Mac Mini … the roon license is registered here .
I’d like to reconnect Roon Server on linux and run only the Roon Controller on Mac … but rollback don’t work…

You can find all trouble on register new Roon Server , and also the renewal steps , inside the two recorded session :

Reinstall Roon Mac

Reinstall Roon Linux

please let me know…


@Enrico_Barra, sorry for trouble, I think Dylan was not specific enough here. The purpose of the test was to perform these steps on your Linux machine to see if it fixes the error state your RoonServer is currently in. So, please, repeat the steps from Dylan’s message on your machine running Debian.




Hi @ivan
of course , but all test are already done yesterday night… the recorded session are real work

moving forward , today I try to put Roon Core outside my network , without fw rules, and work well … but anyway I need rules…
let me know what tcp flow I need to open to permit roon reach your cloud to authorize/unauthorize cores because is not logged anywhere

1 1/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] POST https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/machineallocate
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] BODY token=a7383ef9-5861-404d-bfa9-39710bea6436&machine=0eb32a76-081e-87dd-6206-47e38e9fe3c0&name=rancher&type=Server&bump=6d576bab-fc90-2e78-54fa-547015c6cedd
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: Successful POST response from https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/machineallocate
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GOT {“status”:“BumpMachineNotFound”}
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [broker/accounts] Updating Machine Allocation machineid=0eb32a76-081e-87dd-6206-47e38e9fe3c0 hwserial= machinename=rancher machinetype=Server
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] POST https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/machineallocate
11/28 10:16:19 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] BODY token=a7383ef9-5861-404d-bfa9-39710bea6436&machine=0eb32a76-081e-87dd-6206-47e38e9fe3c0&name=rancher&type=Server
11/28 10:16:20 Trace: Successful POST response from https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/machineallocate
11/28 10:16:20 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GOT {“status”:“Success”,“licenseid”:“d15b6f89-a93e-42b3-b273-a0acdb2f7528”}
11/28 10:16:20 Warn: [broker/accounts] failed to auth: Result[Status=Unauthorized]


Ok, thanks for the info, @Enrico_Barra, the reason why I asked about doing Dylan’s steps on Linux machine is that on the video I have not seen how did you remove Database and started fresh. Apologies for that. I will pass the info to our developers. We plan to discuss it soon.



thanks @Ivan.
appreciate your effort …

Hi, @Enrico_Barra, sorry for a question, but I just want to confirm that I understand correctly what you were saying in you first message today.

today I try to put Roon Core outside my network , without fw rules, and work well … but anyway I need rules…

Am I getting right, that after you moved your Core, located on Debian machine to another network, you were able to get out of this “Are you online?” state? If so, may I ask you to clarify, what firewall rules do you have configured on the network, where Roon Core is not able to work correctly?

Apologies for troubles.


Hello @Enrico_Barra,

Glad you were able to get Roon working.

Roon is constantly evolving same as its cloud infrastructure thus we think that trying to nail down specific rules is a move into the wrong direction here.
We think a best practice here would be to set up your firewall in a way that it will let through all requests going from roon processes.


Hi @vova , glad to hear you.
my firewall is not on premise, they don’t manage and don’t see any process running on my desk

problem solved, indeed on my network, thanks for support guys…

Another strange minor issue on top of Roon storage using network share but unrelated to firewall , hopefully I’ll arrange this on a new thread .

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