I fully agree! The long mouse movements to get to different menus and buttons is one thing where I think the Roon team really should consider an improvement! The ergonomics are terrible when you are using a computer or a laptop with a fairly large screen, but on a touchscreen buttons can be placed anywhere without this problem.
Some applications can have exactly the same user interface on a small phone, a tablet, a big touchscreen and on a mouse controlled computer, but in many cases a touch interface should be very different from a mouse/track pad driven interface.
Tablets and smart phones are amazing tools for dedicated apps where the normal computer can’t compete in ease of use, but when it comes to other applications the tablets can’t compete with the normal computer.
Touch: + buttons anywhere (logic, aesthetics), - typing (ergonomics), text (readability on smaller devices)
Computer: + typing (fast, easy), keyboard short cuts, - buttons far apart, changing focus between keyboard and buttons
The tablets and phones are clearly the better ones for quickly checking weather, act as a remote… but when writing documents or spreadsheets I think most prefer a computer with a big screen, a physical keyboard and a mouse.