Tracks / Albums Unavailable in Qobuz

Question: Say, I have made credit edits (possibly extensive) to an album and it is withdrawn by Qobuz:

  1. What happens with the unavailable album and its credits with my edits, do they stay in Roon, even if unplayable?
  2. Can I apply the edited credits from one album to another? I guess not but is there a feature request you are aware of? I searched but failed. This would be handy in various situations:
  • Artist releases a new album with the same lineup. Copying the credits over beats doing it all from scratch.
  • A new album version appears that becomes my new favorite, remastered, hires, deluxe version or whatever. I would like to make it the primary version, so copying the (edited) credits from the previous version beats having the good credits hidden in some version
  • Album disappearing from Qobuz and reappearing as a different album as described above

Thanks for any hints

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