Tracks / Albums Unavailable in Qobuz

I can’t understand what’s so hard for Roon to do here. It appears to be Roon labelling tracks or albums as unavailable so why can’t you to filter or focus on this status it gives. It knows they are no longer available and are in your library.


I discovered that this is actually possible. Not by design, but by accident…

When a Qobuz album (no idea if the same is true of Tidal albums) is ‘unavailable’ it will appear in Focus under Channel Layout - Other(n)

For example I have 2 unavailable albums in my library at the moment;

I can find them using Focus like this;

I hope it helps someone else root out the unavailable albums in their library.

It’s a fluke that’s been reported elsewhere but roon say don’t rely on it as it might dissapear. Also only works on Qobuz not tidal I think.

Yes I understand that, and no doubt they’ll ‘fix’ it at some point. But today I found 22 unavailable albums in my library like this. Would never have found them otherwise. So its better than the alternative, which annoyingly is f*** all!

Edit: ‘dont rely on it’ is a classic Roon response btw. Hilariously condescending! :joy:

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It also doesn’t find all of them for me

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All the more reason for a properly implemented solution then. In the meantime this is the best we have.

Lol I doubt it given the rate they fix long standing bugs. Maybe in 4.0

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