Transferring Spotify favorites and playlists to Qobuz

I’m sure I’m late to this party, so apologies if this is old news to everyone. While some of us are waiting for possible future Spotify implementation into Roon, I came across a free way to import your Spotify favorites and playlists into Qobuz, and thus into Roon itself.

I know there are competing apps out there that claim to do the same thing, but this seems to have an “official” Qobuz blessing:

Hi @Shawn_H_CO,

Glad you found Soundiiz. Many on here have used Soundiiz to good effect.
It also works very well between Tidal and Qobuz or vice versa :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Carl. I assumed I was behind the curve on this one! :slightly_smiling_face:

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