Transition to Rock

I’m still on my 14 day trial but I know I’m going to use Roon for a long time. I have decided to build a fanless Rock server and hide it away in my equipment cabinet. The parts are on the way…

When I turn it on and enter my account information, will all of what Roon has learned about me move to the new server? I’ve gotten the impression that all of the personalization data lives on your device, not in the Roon cloud.

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Apart from your account information, everything else is stored locally as part of the Roon database. If you ensure you back up this database before turning off your current server, you can restore it to your new server. Then all your library metadata and playlists etc will be restored to the new server.
Backup settings are accessed via the Settings|Backups menu.


Take a look at this knowledge article. And shout out if you need help at any point.