Trouble to add live stream to "My ROON radio"

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Web stream of my favourite radio station does not work

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router: fritzbox, wifi via netgear

Hi there, for one of my favourite radio stations I have two streaming links and both do not work. I have also tried the TuneIn link and it also does not work. I always get the error message “ROON could not find a radio station under this URL”.
The following links do not work:

@Harald_Kiehle, I have merged the duplicate post. Please avoid cross posting. Thanks.

Note that this is the correct category for Live Radio issues.

Hello @Harald_Kiehle , Roon doesn’t like that URL for some reason; can’t see why, but the http version works and I’ve added it to YOU FM. Even though the URL ends in ‘high’ it’s actually still 128k - the same as the stream already there.

Now YOU FM is in the database but Roon’s search algorithm fails to find it - too many stations satisfy the search with the FM bit (and Roon only shows first 50), and just typing ‘YOU’ doesn’t work for some reason.

However it can be found via live radio > categories > locations > Germany > Hessen

EDIT: weirdly, I have to filter with ‘YOU’ to see the station in the Hessen list even though it should show. A bug - I’ll inform Devs.

EDIT2: or search for Hessischer with the top right magnifying glass (it really shouldn’t be this hard)

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I’ve added a 128k aac stream - no metadata though.

Dear Brian, I’m impressed how fast my issue has been resolved - thank you very much, YOU FM is already playing its music in my rooms.
For the next time: what is the “http” version of the link? Is that the version without the “s” of “https”? I tried the version without an “s” in “my live radio” but it came up with the same error message. Nevertheless, having YOU FM in the official ROON radio site is much better.

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Yes, sometimes Roon doesn’t like the https - why, I don’t know. Strange.

Sometimes Roon is strange…

Anyway, pleased everything works.

Ahh - I’ve looked closer - it plays 70mins behind because of a bug in Roon (the stream references a rolling list of some 2000 segments of ~2 seconds each and Roon chooses the first, or oldest, instead of the last).

I’ll remove it.