Troubleshooting connectivity issue with ARC app due to manual port forwarding (ref#70NYGB)

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I'm having trouble with Roon ARC

What best describes your issue with ARC


ARC is reported as working from the internal test but the app cannot connect. I have manual port forwarding configured.

Do you have ipv6 enabled on your network?

If you have ipv6 enabled, do you have an ipv6 firewall enabled in your router (not all routers have an ipv6 firewall turned on by default)? If you don’t have an ipv6 firewall enabled, then ARC ipv6 connectivity will be working and you will get the ‘Ready’ status even though ipv4 connectivity may not be working. If you then only get ipv4 from your mobile provider, then you will still not be able to use ARC.

In principle, if you have an ipv6 firewall blocking all ports, then the ipv6 connectivity test should fail and, if, the ipv4 connectivity test also fails, the ARC settings page should report ‘not ready’ and give the usual diagnostics text. However, I have found that everything except the port number settings is unreliable on the ARC settings page (Roon → Settings → ARC) on Roon build 1392 if you have ipv6 enabled - even to the extent that If I disable port forwarding (ipv4) and the ipv6 firewall pinholes, ARC ceases to work from outside my network but the ARC settings page continues to report ‘Ready’ with no diagnostic text.

If you can, turn off ipv6 support on your Roon server. You will then get a reliable report of the ipv4 connectivity.

If you have a Roon Server hosted on Roon OS (Nucleus or ROCK install), then you will not be able to turn off ipv6 on the Roon Server. Instead you may be able to disable ipv6 support in your Router. However, be careful to make a note of all of the settings (or backup your router settings) before you do this because some ISP’s rely upon ipv6 to give ipv4 support (DS-Lite) and turning off ipv6 will prevent your internet connection from working.

If you do not have ipv6 already or you turn it off and it makes no difference to the connectivity test in the ARC settings page, then I don’t know what is going on. On the other hand, if turning it off produces a different result from the connectivity test, then posting a copy of the diagnostic text may give us more clue as to what is going on.