Tuxedomoon: The Ghost Sonata. Tracks are mistakenly added to a work

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Screenshot of import settings

I tried to set all import settings for this particular album to: prefer file.

Description of the issue

As you can see in the screenshots, all tracks seem to be part of a work, called ‘Music Number Two’. But this is wrong. All tracks should be individual tracks.
This album is local, with metadata added by Songkong. Nowhere in Songkongs’s editor do I see anything that forces Roon to create the work.

This is Musicbrain’s page for the album. Here too I cannot see anything that creates this problem: Release group “The Ghost Sonata” by Tuxedomoon - MusicBrainz

Hi Arlen,

TiVo considers these tracks to be a performance of a multi-part composition which is why they are grouped the way they are.

As this appears to be local file content in your Roon library, if you don’t like grouping for this album, from the album details screen in your 2nd screenshot, you can select:

... -> Edit -> Metadata preference -> Multi-part composition grouping -> Prefer file

Hi Joel, thanks for your reply. I did what you suggested several times, but to no effect. I’ll try it again next weekend, when I am home again.

But also: Allmusic does say that it is part of a composition, but why is this composition called ‘Music Number Two’ in Roon? I don’t see that there. Two tracks are called like this, but not the composition.

Ugh. It’s because we have a bad equivalence between the TiVo and MusicBrainz compositions, and we prefer MusicBrainz composition names for non-Classical compositions :frowning: .

I’ll create a ticket for this, but I don’t know when it will be fixed.

Oh, I guess that it’s not going to work unless you have an alternate set of WORK and PART tags in your files.

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Thanks Joel, I really appreciate it.

Well this one intrigued me, so I’ve created the following parent work in MusicBrainz. It will take a few days to work through our systems.

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Hi @Arlen. This appears to be fixed on our servers; it might take up to a week for the updated metadata to be pulled into your library.

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Thanks @joel, have a great weekend!

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