Two/Four legged acoustical treatments (post your critters!) [2025]

THat’s so damn cute!!!

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What a cute fella! Yorkie-Poo?

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Our little buddy has a birthday coming up next week; 31 years old. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey Saturn…that is so awesome he’s gonna be 31 …I just lost my dog Snickers who I’ve had since he was 8 weeks old…he would have been 12 in March…I’m just crushed without him…as I’m retired and did spend 24/7 with him…Your Parrot looks to be a great companion and still in good shape…I hope you get many more years with him!!!


My heart goes out to you. It’s devastating when lose our beloved pets. :cry: I greatly miss all our others who have passed over the years.

I hope our feathered buddy continues to do well. We got him when he was 3 months old. Given that the average lifespan of this species (Senegal) is about 25-30 years, we’re very aware that he is well into his senior years.


Hi everyone,

I’m still fairly new to Roon (started with the Black Friday offer but now an annual subscriber). I’m loving it so far - it’s costing me money as I’ve added a Denon 250 in the kitchen and now some KEF LSXii in the living room……

Anyway, this is Albert

Albert Blueberry is the full name but he’s usually Albs, Alby or Bean (short for Albino. You know how it is with cats being called anything but their actual name).

He’s a Siberian Neva Masquerade - a big floof. He loves playing fetch, sitting on laps, purring lots and generally being around us all the time. He seems to quite like music - if he’s getting a lap fuss, he’s all good if there’s a movie or music playing. He doesn’t like other people much - apparently this breed are normally pretty confident but he’s the stereotypical scaredy cat. It took him an awfully long time to get to know us but he’s very much a fan of the people he owns these days.



Nice! We have 4 Siberians, very social and natural cats.


Ours is really odd in terms of the sociability - it’s like he hasn’t read the manual :slight_smile:

We got Albert in September 2023 as a kitten - we sadly lost Hugo Blueberry, a fabulous Ragdoll, to renal failure aged only 6. He went from perfectly happy and healthy to ‘no longer with us’ within a week. This was Hugo

We miss him very badly. When we first brought him home, he strutted around the house like he owned it. Visitors were immediately investigated and bumped to show he owned them…. He loved everyone but wasn’t a lap cat - he’d sit near you but the idea of sitting on you revolted him :).

Although there’s four humans here, the house felt unbelievably empty without him and we decided on another cat. When we first brought him home, Albert needed a lot of time, space and patience - he hid under a bookcase for days, only sneaking out for essentials when he was sure no one was close. He warmed to the ladies in the house first but took ages to trust me - he seems to think I’m marvellous now, he was borderline terrified of me at first. He is now a purring, biscuit making, rolling around in sheer joy fantastic little guy who loves his home here with us. We’ve considered getting him a friend but the risk of putting him back isn’t worth it I don’t think - it took him so long to be comfy and he’s so happy now. Why spoil it?

I suppose that’s part of the charm of cats - they own you on their terms, not the other way around :slight_smile:


As well as being sociable, another thing your (gorgeous) Siberians seem to know how to do according to your picture? They know the pleasure of sitting in a box as is decreed necessary for every cat since time began.

Albert is the only cat I’ve ever known who really doesn’t know what the point of a box is. Hugo used to get excited by the Amazon guy making a delivery so he had a new box - you would not have been able to keep him out if you tried. This one just glares at it and wanders off :slight_smile:

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This is our “Moggs” - sadly no longer with us. and very sorely missed. He loved boxes, flower pots and suitcases :grinning:.


Queenie, my bud.


Welcome Gary, you’re not alone, Roon has inspired some HiFi extravagance for many in the community. You’re also right about cat’s and names…This is Pip, aka, “pip squeak,” and “Tip Tip,” ……

…and Minx. aka “Minky, Minkin” & (SWMBO) also refers to him as “Minky Monky Moo” and I’ve no idea why…:roll_eyes:


Sorry for your loss - we have to hide the cases if we’re going away as he knows what it means!


Queenie is gorgeous!


I’m amazed cats come to us at all when called with their various nicknames!

Cute cats - I feel judged by that look :slight_smile:

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It’s a you haven’t fed me for two hours look…


Someone is getting big. Almost 45lbs now. Loves looking out the window down at the peasants below. I am on the 3rd floor.


KIA, the sentry cat

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