Hi and many thanks for the answers to my previous question. I have a Roon nucleus and I have a Rioddas CD drive attached to it. Every once in a while the Roon page either does not find my drive or says it is Waiting for CD, even when there is a CD inside the drive (and drive is closed and making noises as if something is happening).
And a second question: how do I know how much space is left on the 2TB drive inside the Nucleus? I have ripped around 80 discs and it would seem to be more than 1% of the drive but maybe my math is off.
ripping in Roon is a double edge sword as it is fine if you only ever use roon for minimal rips but your music files will all be generic folder and track names. I would rip on the computer then transfer to the CORE storage.
As Geoff mentioned, you’ll need to manually refresh the Nucleus Web Administration Interface when using the CD ripper. If you’re still seeing an issue after a refresh let us know!
The information beneath the Internal Music Storage section will be accurate (but again you may need to refresh after ripping a CD to see it update):