Ubuntu Server 22.04

I tried it one more time, this time I got this:

There are three separate commands on three lines in the screenshot that I posted (which comes from the full instructions that I linked). You press the Enter key after each one, and when it is finished you type the next one and press Enter again.

The first one with „curl“ is to download the script. Apparently you already downloaded it, so you can leave that out.

The second one with „chmod“ is for making the script executable. This is the one I meant. Effectively, it turns the script from a simple text file into an executable program. (It still stays a text file, but the operating system is now allowed to execute the commands in it like a program). This is what you need to do. („chmod“ is short for „change mode“. „chmod +x“ means „change mode and add executable permission“).

Finally, the third one with „sudo“ starts the script (i.e., the program it has become by making it executable). The „sudo“ makes the program run with root privileges, i.e, as „superuser“ = administrator. („sudo“ is short for „superuser do“).

More on chmod:

Yes, this is the downloading of the script by using the „curl“ command. This is the first step but you can skip that if you already downloaded it previously. („curl“ is short for „client URL“).

The result of this is the downloaded installation script file. It will be downloaded in the same directory as you were on the terminal when you started the curl command. More about curl:

Thank you very much for your help. I will give this a try today. I’ll post an update later.

UPDATE: It finally worked! For some reason it would not install when using a keyboard and monitor but no problems when I ssh into Ubuntu Server. THANKS A LOT!!!

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I have installed the roon server on Ubuntu 22.04 server and it is running normally, but I don’t know how to access the roon interface so that I can bind my account.

Only the server portion runs on Linux. You need to connect into that server running the Roon software on a PC, Mac or Tablet for all the setup options. Mobile version doesn’t have all the options.