Umbrage on the rise?

Because that’s in my nature. I don’t want to provide an earnest, hand-wringing, overwrought exposition of every.single.thing.

But again, to respond to your points as you’re digging:

With regard to offense: if you’re not offended then why are you picking at the scab? Ignore it. It doesn’t apply to you.

With regard to outrage: there is a huge amount of manufactured outrage, the subject of this very thread.


I suspect that we will have to differ on our understanding of offence and outrage. But I’m not offended by that. :wink:

Were you offended or outraged by my comment, the response to which that you have since deleted…

If not, why did you make the comment?

Genuine curiousity… :grinning:

Not at all. I have never once mentioned being offended. I deleted my reply because we discussed things via PM.

I replied to your post because I wanted to challenge what you had said. Just because I think a person’s words are inaccurate/unhelpful etc., doesn’t in any way mean that I’m offended by them, any more than you would be offended by my take on things. I have no idea why the words “offence” and “outrage” were introduced.

Let me be absolutely clear: I am not offended or outraged by anything that has been discussed on this thread.

EDIT: For accuracy, I subsequently re-included my deleted post in an earlier response.

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You can be offended (or certainly give that appearance) even when you don’t specifically articulate that you’ve been offended or outraged.

Doesn’t matter that you were or were not. Just curious really, especially seeing the need to re-reference it in a later discussion.

@anon55914447 discussed manufactured outrage. A lot of these tit for tat threads are littered with that.

I only re-referenced because the issue of deleted posts was introduced and I thought it would add some clarity. The whole issue of offense and outrage doesn’t resonate with me. If a person cannot challenge another person without appearing offended or outraged then where does that leave us?

I have specifically articulated, on several occasions, that I am not offended or outraged. I have merely sought to engage in reasonable discourse on the matter of teaching and humour and the subsequent issues of accuracy in language (i.e. a person not assuming that another person is offended or outraged).

Without wishing to offend (or outrage) I think said discourse may be drawing to a close.

Looking at your profile, it looks that you joined the forum this year. I’ve been here five years (today in fact). I can tell you from my experience the forum has vastly changed from when I joined. That is the topic of this thread.

I’m not sure if the change is because of the vast increase in Roon forum users, or that society has morphed over the past couple of years. Could be a combination of both.

What I also see is far greater number of passive aggressive comments in the threads. Maybe it’s a side effect of C-19…what used to be offered as snarky humor, now gets flagged as offensive or responded to with outrage. I’ll admit I liked things better before.



Society is certainly changing. As I see it there’s a strong drift towards privileging personal experiences and feelings over and above rationality and facts, to the point that everyone seems to feel that anything they say or feel is inherently sacrosanct and immune to criticism. Couple this with an increasing distrust of science and expert knowledge, the rise of the social media echo chambers, and the increasing difficulties associated with separating fact from fiction - FAKE NEWS! - and I think, as a society, we’re in big trouble. All of this is evident in various current threads - people’s statements are questioned, in what seem to me to be completely fair, considered and rational ways, only to receive a hostile response, “but I believe x, y or z and you have no right to challenge my belief! It’s an outrage”. It’s really not.


Fake news is a huge problem. Fake science, false flags, the list goes on. I posted in an earlier response you can’t know who to trust, regardless of the subject matter. I’m afraid the slope keeps getting more slippery.


Speaking only from personal experience, these are things I have discovered, after investing $4,500 in equipment and software (i.e., Nucleus Plus; roon lifetime subscription; Brooklyn DAC +), that have frustrated me over support issues:

1.) Quality product support is not based on the amount of money you spend to purchase it. Rather it is based on the size of the company that produces the product you are buying. When I purchased a $2,000 Nucleus Plus, I did not take into consideration that there was no telephone/remote access support, and any issues related to it had to be addressed in a public forum setting. Which could take several days for a productive response. I have invested in products for a lot less money that afforded me immediate, personalized phone support whenever issues arose [ex., Netgear ReadyNAS ($200); Logitech Squeezbox Duet ($300); Microsoft mouse ($30)].

2.) A lifetime software subscription that requires a separate app does not necessarily mean the utility will look and/or perform to the same satisfaction level as when you first invested in it over time. Especially when all updates are mandatory over time in order for the product to function and receive support. Again, it is my fault for not knowing that software products, dependent on a separate app, are not archived should the need or desire to revert arises. They cannot be found, even at

3.) Have one support submission that has not received a response from support since August 2020.

M3U Playlists Missing in Roon - #16 by jb76

These are facts, not FAKE NEWS. So yes, I can relate to the growing number of roon subscribers who, like me, learn the hard way.

Thus, to answer the OP’s initial concern, I feel the increased umbrage has something to do with failed expectations.

But from this I have learned to follow the adage…


Excellent post. I’m with you about the lack of phone support…I didn’t realize till I had a billing issue.

I have given up trying to fix things on my end, when i get the tidal loading slowly message, I switch over to my Lumin or Bluesound apps and Tidal runs great. And I’ll try Roon, the next day.

I want my music to play problem free. That I have learned is my number 1 priority.

You live and you learn.

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I believe that today people’s expectations are very very high and that if these are not met then they have the means to tell others about it. My other theory is that during the pandemic, people’s freedom has been impinged upon and fatigue of this is setting in. Just look at the furore about the Astraveneca vaccine … complaints about a rate of 4 in a 1 000 000 serious side effects !!! The contraceptive pill has a rate of side effects 250 times higher … no world-wide complaints about that??? No complaints about all the cancer and suicide deaths …

You have delivered a new release that is retrograde to many users. I think people should be able to express their dislike of the upgrade. Otherwise why have a forum?

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It’s definitely worth a try, I changed dns on “everything” (Core & clients) a few months ago and since then speed & stability of Roon (& general network performance) have improved tremendously.
I ended up using Cloudfare DNS -

It shouldn’t make much of a difference, windows will cache DNS records so it doesn’t have to keep looking them up externally.

By default linux doesn’t do this unless you install certain packages, I assume that Roon don’t include this in the build of the ROCK as it does seem to be a common improvement.

Roon do seem to have made some alternate views WRT networking.

That was a long read!

What comes to mind most. We are all in this together and like any relationship there will be issues but how we deal with them is in our control. We are not dealing with them well.
Please consider that if you are invested in Roon it is to your benefit to make sure that all who are involved can address issues in a civilized manner. I worry as a user that if we continue to address issues we are having in a negative (complaining as opposed to a problem solving) manner that it will only become less and less rewarding for the builders of Roon to continue putting their time into it.
If you are trying to help your good friend at the pub with an issue you are having you would I hope do it in a less toxic way than we often see here.
This is a forum and so not like real life, but I am hopeful we can make it more so.


I do wish I was as sanguine about human nature as our friend Adam seems to be, but I look at the history of the last 500 years and find it hard to see that as positive. In real life, people fight constantly over all kinds of things. Established rules and enforcement thereof seems to be the only thing that damps it down.

A lot of turmoil, in the real world as well as in the forum, seems to be due to competition. Which is an interesting phenomenon in its own right. Aggression in competition seems to be ameliorated when there are many sides to take, as on question like “What’s the greatest album?” or “Which company makes the amp that works best for jazz?” It’s when it comes down to only two alternatives that things start to get nasty. X or not-X. (The M-word or not.) X or Y. (Science or experience.) People choose up sides, and no one can stand to be on the losing side. It’s always black-and-white, there’s no gray to the topic. The threads go on forever, so people get frustrated at the lack of closure and forget their manners.


A big frustration in forums is that threads do no stay on track! Why are there posts discussing DNS in this thread!

Why did you specifically refer to me? I didn’t raise the subject merely supported a comment raised by another poster who was illustrating a point that was within the context of this thread.

An off topic comment doesn’t change the context of a thread, the first should have been flagged as off topic… but now, the focus has come back around to “umbrage on the rise”, lol.

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