Unfolded Circle Remote 2 - A premium smart remote with Roon support

I’m a backer so I’m expecting mine at some point in the not too distant future too.

I knew that some day my Harmony Remote would probably break and that at that point I’d need to find an alternative but it was YiO’s (now Unfolded Circle) Roon integration that pushed me to jump now and back this remote.

I can already do volume and pause/play on my Logitech remote but the now-playing screen will be a really nice addition since I use Roon Radio a lot so being able to glance at the remote to see what is currently playing without reaching for my iPad every time will be a really valuable extra feature for me.

I’m also hoping that either on release or at some point in the future the integration will give some visibility of the queue since I also tend to look not only at what is currently playing but also at what Roon Radio has queued up for me next.

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I believe the creators are very open to suggestions and you can reach them on their forums.

I would like to see the signal path also but not essential.

And here it is. Stunning.



Congratulations!! Any thoughts yet on how well it works?

I suspect this piece of kit will need/deserve its own forum category in the near future. There will be a lot of Roonies putting these things to work soon, and they will want, perhaps need, fellow users to talk with.

Looks great! As a harmony I’ve been looking for a future replacement, I’ve been following this project with great interest. I was very close to backing, but wanted to be sure the software development would continue to progress before committing. Look forward to your feedback after having a chance to use it. For now my harmony + the deepharmony extension works fine, but I may be tempted by this soon.

I havent had much time with it yet I must admit but I will be providing some of my thoughts for you guys here.

Anything in particular you want me to answer?

I’m primarily interested in the Roon experience - would love to hear how that works. I’d also be interested in your experience with whatever other home automation you use (HomeBridge, HomeAssistant, etc.). Mostly Roon, though :slight_smile:

This looks interesting. Would love to hear how it works in practice and how customizable this may be. Thanks for sharing.

I have two Harmony hubs and remotes which are starting to die slowly, so interested in finding a possible replacement.

How easy it is to setup and maintain, how large is its device database, does it work across remote protocols, ir, network and Bluetooth does it do Zigbee?

Some info from their website. Zigbee is not mentioned but HomeAssistant is.


The Remote 2 is just a remote. It is not designed to be a smart home hub like Home Assistant or Hubitat so a Zigbee radio doesn’t really make sense for a product like this (your Harmony hubs don’t have Zigbee).

I don’t think @CrystalGipsy is asking if it can be a remote hub. I think he’s asking if it can generate Zigbee actions so that you can build something like HomeAssistant automations around it. At least that’s how I interpreted it.

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I don’t have one yet but my understanding is it works with HA in both directions so this should be possible with HA if HA is also being used as a Zigbee Coordinator but the question to me seemed more like if the Remote 2 supported Zigbee in addition to IR/BT (i.e. does the Remote 2 have a Zigbee radio in it).

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The roon experience for me so far is poor as I cant get it to function so will need to wait on that.

HA integration is there so you can trigger anything setup in HA via the remote.

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There arnt many integrations but more are being added. I see your a developer, jump in :grin:

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Device database is pretty much none existent but its being built. The remote has IR learning and your able to upload CSV files to create your own also.

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While my experience here with the Roon integration has been poor its only been 24 hours since I reported the issue. I will post once its resolved.

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Not had any support on this yet :frowning:

Wow, the remote was delayed a year - software should already be really advanced, since they had an extra year. Hardly any codes for devices - why?!?
A real shame