Unfolded Circle Remote 2 - A premium smart remote with Roon support


I was thinking there may be possibilities - I need to look at the API in more detail - but it should offer opportunities.

Any requests?

Looks like an interesting product. Maybe a good replacement for my Harmony when it stops working. Thanks for sharing.

Their roadmap indicates that Roon integration would be added in August 2023. But since it still listed as part of the roadmap they could be begins schedule. August is not that far behind us.

The integration issues I originally faced have now been resolved :grin:

Thanks for the update. Are you also using it with HA?

I have little need for HA but that integration does exist. I also do have a HA server though I use native apps.

I’m finding it a bit challenging to find pictures of what the Roon implementation looks like.

What are you able to do? Can you navigate your library or is it more simply a transport controller?

For now playback needs to be started on another device and basic play pause, skip tracks and volume control can be done on the remote. Library browsing is in development.

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Look interesting, can it deal with multiple zones?
Thanks for being an early adopter.

Yes it can handle multiple zones. It gets the zone names from roon. I see lounge, kitchen and office for example. I can control them all individually from the remote.

Ive wanted something like this for a long time, im happy to early adopt :grin:

@moderators can you change YIO remote 2 in the title to Unfolded Circle Remote 2 please? The company changed their name.

It doesn’t need a Mod for that, just someone with the trust level of Regular.
I have updated it for you now


Arh I see, I appreciate the edit :+1:t2:

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Would be nice to get the same level of integration than for the Neeo:


Its still in development and browsing is on the road map

What happened to Unfolded Circle extension on latest build 1359? It’s gone.

Still working for me on build 1359.

Still working for me also. Maybe you just need to set it up again?