"Universal's Audible Watermark"

This link came from Pink Fish - could explain why some people prefer CD rips to ‘lossless’ streaming.


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Wow! Thanks @Rik, very interesting if true.

If Universal are still doing this it affects a lot of record labels many of which release classical or acoustic music where it sounds to be reliably audible.

Perhaps you could raise this with Tidal and get them to push for versions without an audible watermark, because otherwise they are not living up to their claim to be providing CD quality sound.

I have contacted TIDL support about that and made a suggestion to mark that kind of cd/music.
TIDAL answered me that:
“***2. I will forward the suggestion to our product team, maybe they will decide to do it in the future.***”
I agree with you they have to provide the best CD sound.

Even better than that. I also contacted TIDAL support and they replied:

Thank you for contacting TIDAL customer support. We have asked Universal to re-upload their whole catalouge again, they are a little reluctant to do that, but hopefully they will re-upload everything soon.

Which is great to hear. It’s not a guarantee that this will happen but I’m impressed by their attitude taking this seriously and doing something about it.