Unjustifiable price increase

es mi forma de verlo , tú tendrás la tuya, eso no quiere decir que se falte a nadie.
si alguno se siente aludido , quizás es que yo tengo razón, no es así?, entonces no hay nadie que pueda sentirse señalado.,

That’s something you deduce on your own, I still don’t see any insult to anyone.
Now, if someone takes it as an insult, I am not the cause of the problem.

I can’t help you if you can’t see that it comes across as insulting to repeatedly tell people that they are stupid and gullible while you are in possession of the one and only truth, if the topic is an entirely subjective one like the price of a service. Good luck with Audirvana


I like a flounce, it brightens my day; but dude you are taking so long!

Move and groove!


I understand it’s your bedside manual…
Next you’ll be talking about insults.

Now I understand about the monkey in your profile picture, it’s your personality

I also recommend a book…

How to argue with a cat: A guide to persuasion for humans.

especially point 9…read it thoroughly.
9. Get them to pay attention: the bait and the ramp Practice with the great tools of persuasion.

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por favor indícame donde digo yo que la gente estúpida…??
creo que tienes un problema con la traducción del texto

yo hablo de que seguirán subiendo precios porque según vosotros como os han avisado estáis contentos con los incrementos.

Please point out to me where I say that stupid people…?
I think you have a problem with the translation of the text.

I am saying that they will continue to raise prices because according to you, as you have been warned, you are happy with the increases.

gracias , se agradece.

Thank you, it is appreciated.

I am done here

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I’ve never seen anyone get so steamed up about 30 bucks.

So Roon upped it’s pricing.

It was announced in November last year that the increases would be effective 1st January 2023. I was on holiday in Scotland enjoying Roon Arc when I got the email, so I shook the moths out of my wallet and paid for a lifetime subscription. As a “grippit” Scot, I had to have a “hoose measure” sized dram to recover from the shock of spending such a large sum of money on anything other than a vintage whisky!

Complaining about the increase now is like finding an old restaurant receipt in your wallet from last year and calling them up to offer your opinion that the Cabernet was overpriced…

First price increase since it’s beginnings in 2015.

25% though! :astonished:

Let’s apply a little economics:

One US dollar in 2015 had the same buying power as $1.29 has in 2023, that’s 29% inflation over 8 years.

Roon increased it’s price by 25%. Adjusted for inflation, it’s still 4% less expensive than it was in 2015.

For a new subscriber, a 25% increase might be difficult pill to swallow, but properly contextualised, there really are no grounds for complaining about it.

If you feel it’s too expensive, look elsewhere!


Hi Chaps,

This topic ran it course yesterday, but I left it open to give people an opportunity to express their views.
Today I have closed it.

As a closing comment, I’d like to add that cost and value are two different animals, the former is what it is, the later is personal opinion …