Unpopular Opinion - UI Refresh

Like he said, it’s his Mac Mini as viewed from his Dell

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Mac Mini is a headless computer, of course. I’m using my Dell and Splashtop to control the Mac Mini. I thought that was clear.

This is what my Nucleus looks like with the Dell Roon app.

And this is my Dell Roon server.

I sure wish you could do this once and it would sync across devices.

I thought so too, but then I realized that I have different preferences on different devices, at least sometimes :slight_smile:

There is another thread about the Home Page layout and menu customization for those interested in the UI.

They just did one about a year ago. What you see is new, especially the typography.

It looks good IMO. Classy and not too flashy. Purposeful.

There is a dark mode, as well, find it in settings.

Totally agree. I am from the software world…, and every two years, 2 things are necessary.

  1. Look around at UI and UIX developments (go to a conference) build a list of development tasks to implement form the "world’s gretest minds on UI.

  2. go back to (assume one is maintained) the user wishlist and review the issues and requests around UI, and innovate/develop the ones to respond to user requests.

One might use AI to peruse this user community, and extract data that could refine and augment the UI Improvement task list.

In my past, we made many changes to UI that affected hundreds of thousands of users…, but when developed correctly, the transition is easy, especially if communicated effectively by customer-facing people with a clear “why” statement.

Without forward progress, the product stagnates and looks dated/old. I see this whenever I compare the Apple iphone to android phone UI. I finally dropped Android, because they stopped, or perceptually, they stopped, advancing and improving via innovation. One hopes that the Harman merger will infuse funding to get back on the bleeding edge. That’s why many of us are here, now, but over time, other solutions and platforms will rise - it’s how things work. Don’t believe me? Imagine being on a fly on the wall in the Walmart board room, when Amazon started to expand beyond books, or added “one click ordering” to their UIX to their ordering process. Complacency will kill making a lot of lifetime subscribers disappointed.

Seeing all the wishlist items in this one single thread is a good indication that the current UI needs an overhaul.

They should take some notes from PlexAmp it’s home page is customisable you get a bunch of premade hubs but you can save any filtered views from albums etc as you own hub to the home page. Much better than Roons bookmarks. They update the same as using focus and bookmarks do in Roon.

If you like to quickly see all your music via decades as an example or from a certain label.

Also box sets are better catered for as you can have each album as a separate album and then group them as a collection for the set. Each album will maintain its own identity and its own artwork. Something roon can’t do as easily.


From my understanding, Roon will never have customizable pages due to the underlying platform being image based, i.e. the pages are baked in. It’s why one can’t cut and copy text as it’s baked into an image, so to speak. And at this point I doubt they’ll reinvent the wheel so to speak so we get what we get.

Perhaps its time to move on from this approach, not really sure what it brings to the table and seems limiting in its approach. Adding in a new feature from either Qobuz or TIdal seems to take an age likely as this part of the problem.


For those with large box set collections, this is the Achilles heal of Roon. Would love to see individual albums in a box set with their own cover image. Would love to be able to show front and back images. I have complained since day one, but to no avail. At this point, seems doubtful this will ever improve.