Upcoming change to Roon subscription prices (January 1st, 2023)

It’s the Menzies Clan war cry and shout of victory in Gaelic.

'Geal ‘us Dearg a suas’

It means ‘Up with the White and Red’


I’ve used Roon for quite a while before trying out LMS. Yes, Roon is better, but music plays the same. Sometimes, it’s refreshing to go back to basics. Oh, and the VU-meter in the piCorePlayer kind of makes up for the lesser experience. I don’t know if I can use the player with Roon, but I don’t really care. I’ll let my annual subscription lapse.

I thought it had to be something Gaelic

I watched Outlander :eyes:

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The thought of an inclusive streaming service may fly but at the moment Qobuz has limited coverage so that implies Tidal, without ressurecting old threads, many are not keen on MQA and use Qobuz for its hi res source

I Can’t see that without the Streaming cost as an extra so wheres the advantage

Bit of a muddle to add a service in unless there was choice

Heaven forbid that either Tidal or Qobuz fails , what would that do for Roon. Personally i have a big local library but many dont and use Roon effectively as Tidal Qobuz Front End …

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You can use picoreplayer with Roon as a squeezebox endpoint I used it for ages until Ropieee came out. Not sure the vu meters work and often artwork would not refresh but it worked. I loved that it looked like an SB Touch as mine died so I needed a replacement.

Thanks. Yeah, I thought so. I might try it some time.

I purchased a yearly subscription around 3 months ago. Are you saying that you will change my current price right now?

This is what I am hearing as well. Either people go lifetime or stop their monthly plan. I was planning on returning to Roon, but the bridge does for some reason not connect to my core, and a price rise. So seems easy to conclude where that is going.

Why would you think that? Your next yearly subscription payment will be at the new price

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Ok mate thanks

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As of now, lifetime will breakeven in over six or seven years.
In that time the music and streaming landscape will be different.
Roon is cool software and works well, but the futere for my use case is bleak.

My listening source is 99,9 % streaming, with only one serious streaming solution integrated (i know there are two) Roon may not be a future proof solution.
Only Roonradio, audio zones that can be combined when using RAAT, easy way to offload streams to a core and endpoint and the UI keeps me using Roon.
Search is under par, it just is not good enough, or put it in another way, it s*cks.

Losing 3/4 of annual subscription fee when going to lifetime is not going to happen.
So my bet is on annual and will probably be gone from Roon before lifetime will be benificial for me.
This may also means that Roon will not benefeit from their annual vs lifetime offer, and in my case loose money.

The future is a scary place, but i want to be there, the alternative is worse.


??? The new price is 12.49 per month if billed annually, equals 149.88 per year. New lifetime 829.99 divided by 149.88 equals 5.5 years. Compared with monthly billing, it breaks even after 4.6 years.

If taking the old lifetime price now, the break even compared with the new annual and monthly prices are at 4.7 and 3.9 years, respectively.

And calculating only with the old prices, annual billing is 119.88, making breakeven with 699 lifetime at 5.8 years. Monthly is 155.88 per year, i.e. 4.5 years breakeven.

Maybe, but the past 7 years since Roon’s founding haven’t seen huge changes. For instance, Qobuz has existed since 2007 in France and has expanded since 2014. Tidal has existed since 2014. No serious Roon competitor has emerged. Amazon has not upended the market. Spotify was and still is the by far largest service and has not changed much.

I got Roon lifetime 2 years ago at $699 and, taking the euro exchange rate into account, I have already recouped more than half of that. More importantly, ever since (until this thread appeared :wink: ) I have not spent 10 seconds thinking about Roon costs and whether it makes sense to spend time on curating my library.


I am paranoid so I tend to think I’ll be out of roon maybe next year, or 2 or 3. But from my point of view it is a great product, roon for life it is under 1/2 the price of a single piece of gear that I own or that I will upgrade to. And sometimes I’ll upgrade those within 2 years. So I would pay for life.

Still I have only one thought against going life. If I liked that much, use it non stop, why not pay more being a monthly subscriber.

Yeah. My main reason for lifetime was to commit myself to Roon as my music solution, to stop me second-guessing myself if the time spent on curating is well spent, whether I should look for something else, etc.


Good point. But if I had an itch to look for something else nothing would stop me :slight_smile:

I think I found the happy place. It does what I need in general, though the metadata for my favorite music is not that great. So I spent a lot of time getting my top 5 artists perfect with credits and all, and I am not going to repeat that in another program.


Anyone who’s been on a monthly or annual subscription.


For what it’s worth, if it’s not a big amount in your total audio budget, I can tell you that you’ll feel happy, nay, smug even if you go lifetime the next time a conversation like this one happens. Now you should never act smug, that’s a real a*****e move, but you are perfectly allowed to feel smug (unless you belong to a religion or moral code where that’s not cool, and that is entirely your business). But if you have the luxury, think forward to when lifetime price goes up or it goes entirely away and imagine how smug you’ll feel (not act, I hope) if you’ve already bought it.

I’m by no means speaking to those for whom this is a big expense. I totally get that this can be a shockingly large expense depending on your geography, position in life, etc. Me of 15 years ago would have spit blood at the idea that this might be a small expense and I would have wanted to fight anyone who suggested that that could ever be me. Times change. Everyone should check their privilege. I got a lot here.

Also, I’m a Plex Pass lifetime subscriber (I’d forgotten I was, but I am, it was really cheap when I bought it); I just got PlexAmp up and running due to all this sturm und drang, and it’s gotten better over the years, but it’s no Roon so I’m sure glad I have both.


Does this mean you won’t be on the forum any longer?

I sure hope the same thing.

I have a small “business”. I did sold with all the money in one transaction but mostly people want to buy in small amounts by month. The second one I like :slight_smile: