Upcoming Linux Performance Improvements

What options will there be for those with units that cannot be updated?
I know my Antipodes Edge will not get any further software updates from Antipodes.

This might be clear to some but it isn’t to me :slight_smile: It seems to me installing an entire .NET SDK just to get libicu is a bit overkill. Is there a lightweight way to do this as my Roon Core is errrr…ancient but works fine and I want to keep it that way :slight_smile:
(Running Bodhi 18.04 by the way)

you probably just need libicu if you dont already have it. most modern installs will already have it.

older ones may not. purposely trimmed ones may not.

Ubuntu 16.04 packages libicu55, will that work?

Is it possible to be more specific what action is needed on docker.
Do i have to wait until the docker image is updated?

I have installed roon on a docker image.
Image: steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver , made bij roon community member @steef_de_bruijn

Docker is installed on a virtual ubuntuserver running on freenas

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And if it doesn’t and can’t be installed due to the Antipodes closed architecture what then?

Would I be able to carry on using it as Roon Core ignoring updates until absolutely forced to?

@Steef_de_Bruijn will need to push the updated image to docker hub and then all people that use this image will have to pull the updated version

Or, if you’re feeling brave, the update of the docker image can be automated:

Ok I downloaded libicu66 for Ubuntu 20.04.3 But all libicu files appear locked on the gui.

How do I unlock them? Im an absolute Linux noob btw. So please keep it simple :smiley:

Please do not download this package manually but open the terminal app and run the command stated in the first post of this thread.

This installs libicu66 through the official package manager.

Or they can be impatient like me. Fork, update, enable auto-build, push, install, done. ^^

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Hi Steef,

I used the command in terminal. But after the command, it appeared with a few lines as permission denied.

So I connected a monitor to check and all the files appeared locked too.

I presumed that’s not what we want. Like I said, I’m a total Linux rookie

Maybe sudo is also needed on the apt-get update

If so, try this

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libicu66
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Thanks Steef. It appears to have worked.

Hi all,

I just checked my image as it is and it contains all the required dependencies as stated in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux-debian

So I suspect we are good to go without any mods to the docker image.

I did sign up for beta in order to verify nonetheless, but I don’t know if or when I wil be admitted to verify the above claim.



I am running Ubuntu 18.x and installed “libicu60” with the command (libicu60 seems to be the correct name for 18.x according to here)

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libicu60

After fetching some new files the final messages were:

libicu60 is already the newest version (60.2-3ubuntu3.1).
libicu60 set to manually installed.

I did not install the .NET runtime nor the .NET SDK from the MS-website.

I hope that is ok to be ready for the next steps… if anyone has doubts or thoughts please comment…

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thx @Yethal @Steef_de_Bruijn for your (re)action !!

Just to confirm the QNAP Roon qpkg is available and updated this morning for me, so if you don’t have automatic updates you can go look and update manually now.

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@kevin and the entire team
Hi, just a big ‚thumbs up‘ regarding that beta program! I think this is the right way to go.

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I have already applied.

hosted on Debian 11 in an Ubuntu 20.04 container

My docker image is already ready : Docker Hub