Update to B1506 breaks systems

I have set my updates to manual. I updated the server to latest build, he restarted and I was back in the (remote) client, no issue I was immediately aware of. I then started the update of the client, he restarted and I was greeted by:


Seems weird to run into a database issue when updating the remote GUI client.

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Same for me on a windows 11 server. I uninstalled roon and reinstalled, restored backup which looked like it was fine, but then it shows nothing in the library. If I try and reconnect I get the “Issue with the library”.

See also:

Yup - no devices show either.

So yesterday the sighting of unannounced client updates on some Androids and today an announced but utterly broken update. What’s going on?

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I ran into similar issues, it required a “restart” of the server to get the albums to show up after updating the client. No issues with DB or endpoints after that.

Edit: FYI - I am running ROCK on a NUC and updating a PC client.

A restart of the Server brought nothing as expected, as the issue started with/after the new Roon (for Windows) client got installed (for me).


For me the same problem with RoonServer on Linux. EA Roon 2.47 Build 1506 no access to database


Same here, server running on Windows 11

When I look at my RoonServer_log.txt file I see a critical issue with the library:

02/13 10:10:09 Critical: Library.Init: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Sooloos.Broker.TinySooid.Get(Sooid s)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryGenre.<>c.<_Load>b__22_0(Sooid x)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectArrayIterator2.ToArray() at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryGenre._Load(LibraryMutationEnv env, String name, Sooid sampleperformerids, String description, Boolean isdefault)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.GenreHierarchy.Flush()
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.GenreHierarchy.Load()
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.Library.Init(Database db)

we are looking into this, thank you


Hi, I’ve just updated to the latest early access, 1506 & everything is gone, none of my connected kit is showing in audio and no music in roon, i go onto tidal or qobuz & the audio just keeps trying to connect to squeezebox which I don’t have? help!

The update to the mobile app alone is working fine, so long as I don’t update the server along with it.

Just use your production server until the Roon team releases a fix.

These are the risks you take when you go down the EA route.

Without casting too much negativity I am surprised this didn’t get noticed before going to EA.

EA isn’t beta.

I noticed the update got pushed out yesterday to at least one user, but the release notes came out today.

It’s like the days of Cyanogenmod and one of the rogue nightlies got loose.

Fix is live…

EarlyAccess: Roon 2.47 Build 1507 [HotFix] - Early Access / Software Release Notes - Roon Labs Community


You are ahead of me!

But yes, the fix is live. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Just did the update to build 1507 with no issues. Working as expected here.

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