I work in the software industry and this announcement by Roon is really bad. I was cringing the whole time reading it:
But this was the worst: “In our investigation, we’ve found no evidence that this release causes data corruption, or is in any way worse with respect to this topic than previous releases”
Absolute ■■! I totally uninstalled Roon and then installed the new version. Shut down Roon, attempted to restart it - and boom Roon had already corrupted my shiny new database.
Trying to blame the users (some on here who are obviously “power” users), networking, hard drives, bad RAM (lol), etc just takes it to the next level. And then of course along come the fanboys supporting Roon in all of this, who are adding absolutely nothing for the people who are working to try and solve this problem.
My bet is it has something to do with this: “It’s not uncommon for us to reorganize the Roon database”. They reorganized the internal database tables, relationships and structures. But, on top of this they probably have a coding layer (C#, Java, whatever). The coding layer wasn’t updated properly, so when the “old” code went looking for the “old” database structure instead it came across the “new” database structure and kaboom! And of course their marketing/business department say we can’t admit that, let’s blame the end users! Friggin shameful.
The truth will come out. Developers/testers don’t tend to stay with the same company forever…