UPnP ARC issue on router (ASUS AC68U)

IPV6 is allready disabled in my Asus 68U. Modem is Experia box v10 from Youfone ISP.
“I could not see your service” is the resut when putting 55000 in roon arc and canyouseeme.org.

Hi @Penny,

It sounds like your ISP is blocking the port then. I looked and it seems the Experia box has a UI that should allow you to open the port. I found this website and the steps look good but I don’t have your modem and can’t verify.

Alternatively, let your ISP know that you are trying to port forward. They may have something they can do on their side. At the very least, give you exact steps to open the port. If the canyouseeme site cannot find you on the port, Roon ARC won’t be able to either.


With my KPN box 12 (for glass fibre/WiFi 6) I had to move my Roon core into the DMZ. Then it could be found by ARC. It all works now.


Thanks for the tip. That worked for me as well. :+1:

Noooooooo don’t do that.

If you put your roon core into the DMZ you are making yourself wide open to the internet.


Roon are specifically telling you NOT to do that


It’s now highlighted in red at the head of the ARC Port Forwarding article as well:


Yea, I saw that. Thanks. Settings changed.

Hi @Penny,

Have you been able to effect change in your situation? Are there any questions we can answer?


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