Upsample for Matrix element i2

Hello all, I understood that upsampling in Roon could not be the better choice depending on the DAC in use. As a new owner of a Matrix element i2 I was wondering if I should upsample in Roon or leave the duties to the Matrix. Anyone have some experience or data about this?
Thank you.

IMHO, you need to listen and decide for yourself which sounds better. What sounds better to me, might not sound good to you.

Thanks for your answer but my question is rather technical: does the matrix element i2 get some benefit from roon’s upsampling?

I have an original element I. I could never hear any real difference between feeding the dac the native signal or upsampling to max PCM or DSD. Only running upsampling puts more stress on the core as it’s not a dedicated upsampling processor.

Up to you entirely, but I wouldn’t bother

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