USB-C Dac not working on samsung galaxy S9

I have an old Samsung Galaxy S9+ I want to use as (arc) roon endpoint.
The strange thing is that nothing happens when I connect a usb-c headset. Same with every USB-C-dac, nothing happens. De devices only recognises the usb-c connection for charging.
I have searched alf of the internet, and I’m aware of the ‘usb routing’ setting. I tried that.
How am I able to activatie USB audio in Android 10?
Is there something sepcial as it is the last version of galaxyphones with a headphone connection. That was also a reason why I thought it would be interesting to use it as a DAP.

Anybody experiencing the same issues with Samsung Galaxy S9+ and usb-c audio out?

Thanks in advance!

I have a Galaxy A52 , 2 yr old. Works fine via 3.5 jack, i have used Audioquest Red via USB C no issues

I use mainly USB audio Pro then BT , no help

I havent bothered with ARC, i put 1tb SD card and filled with FLAC

Are you using an OTG cable?

I also saw in another forum that someone solved their issue by turning on hardware acceleration in the developer options. They did not give specifics as to where the setting is other than “in developer options”…

Also, just to check, you turned OFF audio routing, correct? You only said you are aware of the setting but not what you are doing to the setting so wanted to check.

P.S. I did the same thing as @Mike_O_Neill and just put a huge micro SD card with my whole library into my Note8 and use USB Audio Pro. Cell service is spotty where I travel, so ARC is not as reliable.

Some of those cables are charge only cables. You need one that does data as well in addition you need to ensure the DAC isn’t pulling more current than the phone can deliver.

The Audioquest Red and Black., and I assume Cobalt too were designed to get under Apples limitations on max current draw.

My Red certainly has no issues on a Samsung A52

The OTG cable for Samsung does data its USB C (or micro) to USB A female ,power only wouldnt need the USB A

I want to do both, streaming and local files. But I´m unable to connect and use the dac using usb-c.

The cable is the Dragontail, so thats not the problem. Also, everything works just fine on my S20 Ultra. So it must be phone-specific.