Using Roon with IK Multimedia ARC4 Room Correction Software

Hi, i would like to know if it’s possibe to using Roon with the IK Multimedia ARC4 Room Correction Software. For info purposes this is the link of the company site with product specs:


Afaik it’s not possible to use ARC 4 Software with any other solutions than IK`s Hardware oder Software. I´m using it with its Hardware Studio between Pre- and Power Amp. It’s a nice solution, the ADCs and DACs are quite good. The process for measurement is as streamlined as possible. But one does need some sort of Audio Interface to drive the microphone with 48V Phantom Power.

Thank you very much for these interesting informations.
Roberto Baldelli

You can use the ARC4 VST3 plugin by using a 3rd party hosting application like HLHost for example and redirect Roon’s output though the Host app and ARC plugin and then out to your DAC.

ah, didn`t knew that, good to know. Perhaps this could work for Roberto.

As I wanted to do correction for all sources in my main system, this hardware solution was my way to go, although I use Roons DSP capabilities in my sub-Zones. It’s interesting, how much computing power this needs on my Intel NUC-Rock, so I`m glad, I don’t have to use it anymore on the main setup. For this zone I only use M/S-Coding, so no additional work on the NUC