Using Yate to meta tag for Roon

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Hi all.

Where in Yate should I put an artist credit in order for Roon to see it & use it as a primary artist?

I don’t understand why this:

Is giving me this:

Naturally I can go in & add the correct Primary Artist, but surely if I put it in the metatags correctly Roon will see it, no?


I’m not quite sure how Roon determines the Primary Artist as it differentiates between Album and Primary Artists. It seems as if Primary Artist is always what Roon thinks it should be as there is no ‘Prefer File’ option for Primary Artist.

Further, Roon has a ‘Primary Artist’ tag but it never seems to ripple up to the Album Editor’s Primary Artist links. Setting ‘Primary Artist’ in the Musician Credits field will only appear in the credits display for individual tracks.

Try using Album Artist in Yate for the artists you want to see showing up as Primary Artists in Roon. (Where, in your example, it says BBC Legends - which is shown as a Primary Artist coming from tags in the second screenshot.)

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