"Various Artists" not found when traversing the API


I am trying to traverse the API to go from Library → Artists and cannot find “Various Artists” listed.

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 11.27.51 AM

This makes me unable to view Albums that are under Various Artists.

However, I can find those albums when traversing from Library → Albums. For example the album below.

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 11.27.13 AM

And Here is the API result for that Album (the artist is Various Artists)

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 11.50.13 AM

Also, from roon’s ui one of the track has the following performers:

And I can’t find the albums under Eiji Oue or Minnesota Orchestra either.

in roon’s setting I have set the “Name for Compilation Sorting” to “use Various Artists”.

May I know how I can get to these albums if I go from Artist?

Thank you

I Just found out that “various artists” is also not on roon’s Artist UI.

Is there a way to view various artists albums from the Artist Page?
I usually view by album sorted by Artist and can see those albums.
