Volume Control with Roon

I’m temporarily using a Dragonfly with headphones so don’t have a preamp, how can I control volume thru Roon ?

Hi Roger,

I don’t have one, so this is a guess.

Can you go to Settings > Audio and click the gears icon next to the Dragonfly? It could also be under System Output or Built-in Output.

Anyway, it should show Use Device Control under Volume Control Mode in the General tab. Now you should be able to control volume by clicking the volume icon in the lower right of the screen.

Does that help?

Cheers, Greg

Greg, I’m using a microRendu RAAT device and the Dragonfly doesn’t show best I can tell in any of these.

Clicking on the spkr in the far right lower corner (iPad app) says ‘Volume Is Fixed’

Hi Roger,

I don’t have the MicroRendu, so maybe someone else can chime in.

However, what does the zone show next to the volume icon? That’s the audio zone you want to edit. Click on the gears icon, as I mentioned above.

If that doesn’t work, you may have to go to the Roon Ready settings in the MicroRendu. I believe there’s a volume setting there that may be set to none (100%).

Anyway, I’ll move this to Sonore area for extra help.

Cheers, Greg

The device there is the uRendu, yes I think you’re right abt using it, should have thought of that, checking…Thks.

Yes selecting Software allows Roon vol control, Thks !

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Those units might support hardware volume control. This can be set from Setting / RoonReady in the GUI.

Yes I discovered that, Thks.
