Want to see albums not listed in my collection

I am looking for more discography information when browsing my collection. For some artist I have a lot of albums (I think to have all albums) but want to have an option to see if I miss important or releases without having to go to wikipedia. Maybe like Tidal integration, but than have to possiblity to see what’s available outside my own collection and NOT available in Tidal.

Also for Tidal I see a lot of releases I do not recognize in the main album list that turn out to be a compilation. I would love also to see if there are albums with extra material not on my version (Bonus tracks / different versions like Japanese of import editions, tour editions etc.)


I love this idea!

I had been thinking about this idea earlier and think it would be a nice option to turn on or off.

When I click on an artist, you can scroll down to the artists “Main albums” section. I’d love to see all the albums from an artists discography listed but only have the ones in my library clickable, and maybe the ones I don’t have slightly grayed out.

That would be a nice feature.
I don’t use Tidal and would like to be able to see missing albums by clicking a button for example, if I decide to complete an artist’s discography.

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That is also my wish, to have it optional, like the add to favourites option.
So add them between your owned albums or with a button to be able to set the filter of additional albums on or off.

I’ll bump this rather than starting a new thread on this topic.

I’d definitely like to see the albums from an artist that are neither in my collection nor available on Tidal. Preferably including the (or filterable by) “Albums”, “Compilations” and “Singles & EP” metadata. Ideally there would be a way for me to flag these albums so I could keep track of them for future acquisition or alert me if they become available on Tidal (or another streaming service supported by Roon).

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I missed this one. Actually like this idea as well. Roon could be the ultimate application for collectors!

There is another feature request similar to this one, but I’ll cast my vote here as well just in case. Would like to see this implemented (esp. for those of us without Tidal).