WASAPI and ASIO appear on my audio setup

I’m running roon core on windows 10 creator. I installed my usb audio driver but i found two selection on my audio setup. it should only appear asio in audio setup. May I know why got wasapi and asio?

Thank you.


It is because Windows is offering that service to Roon.
What was available to Roon before you loaded the OEM USB audio driver [and what DAC is it for]?

Are you aware that Microsoft Windows Creator edition now supports USB Audio 2.0 WASAPI natively?

Are you having any issues with the drivers when playing from Roon?

My oem driver will conflict with windows 10 uac2 driver if I let windows 10 plug and play my dac first. Hence, I installed the oem driver before windows detect the dac.

If I enable wasapi and asio together, I can’t play asio but work for wasapi. It show me error msg. Can’t initial the end point.

Your OEM driver most likely came with WASAPI and ASIO drivers. Most do, in fact I can’t remember a DAC I’ve owned recently that didn’t.