The following is for a Qobuz album that I added to my library. Notice the “date recorded”: This was in fact recorded 19-20 June 2018, according to the accompanying booklet/.pdf.
Roon seems to pick up the data from allmusic / rovi and there’s the 2 disc / 1 blue-ray version listed which also contains Rattles 1987 recording with the Berlin Phil. Don’t know why the wrong performance dates get assigned.
Hi @James_Antognini,
This album has recordings from both 2018 and 1987. We currently show only one date, but we are looking into how we could improve cases like this where there are multiple dates. I can’t say for sure when this change will be made, but it’s something we’re looking to implement in the future.
Thanks for the report!
It seems that the streaming services present a different digital version which only contains the 2018 performance so the metadata applied is not fitting for this album version.
Under the Credits tab, I see Product 4260306182343. That suffices to turn up a hit for the specific album at PrimePhonic. That success suggests there is in fact enough information available for Roon to unambiguously identify the album. And in fact Roon does correctly identify the album (eg, correct cover):
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