IMO, the best part of Roon is Discovery. The biggest payback comes from actively exploring as AndersVinberg explained. A recent but pretty typical experience for me:
Found an interesting playlist on Qobuz “Funky Horns: best of brass sections”. One track by Maceo Parker “Pass the Peas” really stood out. I’d never heard of Maceo Parker. Looked up his bio, and below were a ton of albums made while he was with James Brown. Below, 71 other albums he was part of including 10,000 Maniacs, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Prince (plus a ton of P-funk artists). The bio also mentioned work with The Rolling Stones and Keith Richard (also hyperlinked). I followed that link and found three albums by Richards that I loved. I probably never would have even noticed them.
To me, the AH HA moment about how Roon took digital to the next level was a database of linked records that is attractively searchable. Roon is easily the best money I’ve spent on ‘stereo equipment’ in a long, long time.
Also, the community is great. Check this out: Now playing some sweet Soul, R&B and Funk
Two years of musical discovery in Soul, R&B, and Funk