What does Roon Radio actually DO?

After skimming through this thread, I haven’t found the answer to my question.

The question:

I want Roon Radio to only choose songs from my library. I don’t want a Pandora “experience.” I don’t want recommendations from the cloud.

I do my own music discovery. 95% of what Roon 1.6 plays for me in Radio is pretty awful. I don’t want to have to thumbs-down the seemingly-endless supply of unlistenable music that Roon recommends to me from the cloud.

Sorry if I’ve missed it, but how do I obtain this “experience”? By that I mean 1.5. Do I need to downgrade?

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Go to the queue screen and select the option “limit…”:

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Thank you. Much appreciated.

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When seeding a classic rock heavy metal song I am trying to minimize the newer speed metal suggestions.

Some seeds get a lot of repeat from seed artist and a few similar. Other seeds can produce a broad list.

I would say I prefer when most of the tracks are from my large library vs mostly all new artists. If I am going to chase all new then I might try a curated playlist. For the most part my radio experience has been mostly tracks in my library although some are same songs but from cloud. The new artists have been mixed in lightly which I enjoy.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roon Radio 1.6 Feedback Thread

Shout out to whoever taught Roon about DNB :slight_smile:

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I made a recent post with my observations about Roon Radio, some data, and a reasonable suggestion for improvement. Thought it might be useful to cross-link it here for anyone who might be following this thread.

How to get the best experience from Roon Radio?